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The Virtual Fashion Letter: Should I Be Buying Clothes For The Summer or Should I Focus on Winter?

Let me start by saying that shopping is a very tricky thing. There is no written rule on how to do it and it is not a one size fits all type of thing. In fact, shopping is based on personal preference. How you shop depends on what kind of goal you are trying to achieve, the lifestyle that you live, the spending plan that you have in place, and your personality. Now that I have broken down some of the reasons that explain why we shop the way that we do, I’m going to apply that knowledge to your question and help you find a solution.

The Virtual Fashion Letter: Should I Be Buying Clothes For The Summer or Should I Focus on Winter?

Before you make the decision to purchase clothes in season or during off season, I want you to consider if it is more important for you to save money or if it is more important to build a long term wardrobe that you are happy with. If saving money is something that is extremely important to you then I would recommend shopping during off season to get some steep discounts and closet essentials. Additionally, I would recommend only shopping at your favorite brands if they are offering great deals or if you have time to spare try to find your favorite brands at places like TJ Maxx, Consignment shops, and thrift stores.

If you want to build a strong wardrobe that truly reflects your style then I recommend shopping and looking for pieces every month regardless of the season. If you choose this option I want you to know that this does not mean that you can’t shop for deals or shop during off season (in fact you can incorporate both). However, if you want to build a wardrobe that truly reflects your style and makes you happy you are going to have to work at it every month until you get to where you want and need to be.

I hope that you found this information helpful. If you need help any help with creating spending plans or building a wardrobe that makes you excited to get dressed in the morning, then I encourage you to schedule a consultation with me. Nonetheless, thank you for submitting your question and make sure to look out for more of my fashion content. See you next time!

Questions For Readers:

So I have to know! Do you buy clothes for your wardrobe during off seasons in hopes to get a discount or prepare ahead of time. Or do you shop for all seasons at anytime throughout the year? Let me know in the comments.