Styled by Breyana

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Who is Breyana Wright: How I Went From Not Knowing How To Dress To Dressing Others For A Living

A Brief Introduction

Well, well, well look who wants to learn more about me…you! I’m saying this jokingly of course and to add on I find your curiosity very flattering so thank you for tuning into this post. I know that everyone doesn’t follow me on social media so I’m going to do a brief introduction for those that may not know who I am.

My name is Breyana Wright and I’m a certified wardrobe stylist, style coach, and fashion blogger. I teach entrepreneurs and career professionals how to dress in a way that appeals to their target audience and reflects their own personal style. I do this by utilizing the clothing that they already have in their closet! I’ve been in this profession for over six years and have no intentions of stopping any time soon! Outside of my profession I’m a wife, a mother to an amazing pup named Sophia, and I’m a follower of Jesus Christ. Outside of styling and all things fashion I really enjoy interior design, learning new things, and reading.

As with every great entrepreneur there’s always a great back story that helped shape them into the person they are today. I’m proud to say that I am no exception. So here is my life’s story summed up….

I Didn’t Always Know How To Dress..

I come from a single parent household. Growing up my mother was extremely caring so I barely did anything on my own and that included picking out my own clothes. She would always make my outfit decisions for me as well as do things like washing and ironing my clothes. Like most children I was fine with that until I reached middle school.

When I started attending middle school I noticed that the girls in my class would always wear these really cute accessories with their uniforms. I thought the accessories made our uniform look really nice and added a girly touch so I wanted to try it out as well. The problem was I didn’t know where to look for or buy the accessories. God was working in my favor because one of the girls in my class was selling her jewelry (and it was ironic that she had some of the cutest jewelry in our class). I bought a few pieces from her and before I knew it I became her regular customer. As I started building my collection I realized that getting the accessories was the easy part. The hard part was pairing the accessories with my uniform.

I remember everyday after school I would come home and look at my growing accessory collection wanting to wear each piece. One day I got tired of waiting and finally took the leap. I remember it like it was yesterday. I had on a navy blue collard shirt, khaki pants, and I put on my chunky, bright red bangle bracelet with my red school lanyard. I went through the entire day feeling great about myself until the end of the day came. The “mean girls” in my class came up to me and started laughing. They told me that I wasn’t matching. I corrected them and told them that I was matching with my lanyard. That didn’t help because they laughed even harder. It was at that moment that I realized I knew nothing about matching or dressing. After humiliation, I promised myself that when the next school year came around I would know how to match my clothes. When the next school year came, I started buying a lot more accessories, experimenting with color matching, following trends, and practicing what I learned. I knew that my hard work was paying off because no one ever talked about my clothes again.

Where My Choice of Industry Came From..

After learning how to match I started falling in love with fashion! I loved it so much that I created my own website called “Passion For Fashion.” This website was all about fashion and had a lot of activities to do. Visitors could participate in fashion related polls, take quizzes, view fashion inspired pictures, they could chat with other fashion lovers, and so much more! I don’t know how I pulled it off at the tender age of 10 or 11 but my website ended up being one of the most popular websites on that platform (word of mouth marketing must have really paid off!). After a few months I stopped nurturing the website and eventually let it die down until I started my next fashion adventure in high school.

In high school, I started working as soon as I could work. My first job was in retail and it was one of the best jobs that I ever had! I worked there all throughout high school and on the side I was selling clothes that I no longer wanted in my closet. I don’t really remember how I got started selling clothes on the side but I know that it kept me busy when I wasn’t picking up extra shifts at work.

Juggling both my job and selling clothes on the side had made me develop a deeper love for the fashion industry. My passion for this industry was so strong that I set a goal to work in retail management when I graduated high school. Little did I know God had even bigger plans for me!

Entrepreneurship Was Always My Birthright…

As I was breezing through high school my family started asking me about what I wanted to do after I graduated. I wanted to tell them my real dreams, but my real dreams had somewhat faded away after being prepped to go to college and told to find a career in the medical field. After I graduated high school in the spring I started my first semester of college that fall. A few weeks into my first semester I received a vision. The vision was from God and not only did he reignite my passion for fashion but he told me to start my own clothing business.

At first I wasn’t trying to hear him out because I was doing so well in school and I was kind of growing to like my new career path. However, he wasn’t trying to hear that and kept giving me consistent dreams and keeping it at the top of my mind. I finally gave into what he was telling me and started researching how to open and run a business. By January of following year my business was launched and it continued to grow at a steady pace. By May of that same year I also started my career as a fashion stylist.

If you look at my brand today it still contains the original vision that I was given (a boutique). However, it’s been upgraded and rebranded since then. In addition to that I now offer virtual wardrobe styling services, I teach students through my Style University platform, and I have an international blog that’s centered around fashion (to God be the glory!!). As I continue to grow in my profession I’ve come to realize that this path chosen for me is indeed my birthright.

How I’m Disrupting The Industry….

I’ve always wanted my brand to do two things: help others and offer a unique experience. However, for a very long time I couldn’t figure out what that unique experience was. Like most entrepreneurs I went through countless ideas that I thought offered the unique experience that I was looking for, but it never felt authentic to who I was and what my brand represented. Then one day it hit me all at once! I developed a concept that captured who I was and showcased my brand in a unique way.

This concept would allow me to serve the people that I loved to be around (entrepreneurs) and keep me connected with people that inspired me (career professionals). It would also help me marry my love for marketing, finance, and fashion and teach these group of people an overlooked skill that will change the trajectory of their career! I’m sure you’re wondering what this overlooked skill is. In a nutshell, it’s the power of using style and image as a marketing tool to attract and retain your target audience. I teach all of my clients this strategy so that they can increase their sales, strengthen their brand credibility, and build an image that sets them apart from competitors.

In conclusion, all of these experiences helped shape me into the woman I am today. By no means am I finished learning and growing, but I really do appreciate how far I’ve come. Thank you for taking the opportunity to learn more about my backstory and how it has shaped my future. I hope you’re full of inspiration and use it to chase your own dreams!

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